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Possum Box + Food & Mood Masterclass
My mother is a nature lover, she always has been.
Every Spring she feeds the baby magpies, ‘it’s so hard on the mothers you know’ she’ll say as she rushes outside in her jim-jams with a pinch of organic meat between her fingers.
The dogs enjoy fish for breakfast, greens (whatever doesn’t make it into the juicer) and alternative therapies; the rescue greyhound, ‘ling’ has embraced Pulsed- Electro Magnetic Field Therapy, for her post-racing arthritis.
This year she also gave money to build a ‘maternity enclosure’ for a bear-cub and his mother at a sanctuary in Romania.
So I wasn’t surprised when Mum told me she’d bought a possum box.
‘We had to drive out to the Darling ranges to pick it up and Peter (Mum’s boyfriend) spent the day attaching it to the gum-tree.’
The possum has been living in the roof of the granny flat for years, but with an expanding family coming to visit this Christmas, it was time to relocate.
But things didn’t go to plan.
After getting up at 1am to seal off the entrance, Peter and Mum awoke at 6am to find said possum bewildered and wandering around the garage entrance, like it had been evicted.
So did it eventually make its way to the new digs?
‘It curled up in a corner of the garage amongst some bark and now… I think it’s settled in the roof of my bedroom,’ Mum said, sheepishly.
You may be wondering what this has to do with health?
Taking the time to notice and appreciate Mother-Nature’s wonders is nectar for the body and soul.
Shutting down the windows on your computer, opening the ones in your office, getting your vitamin D and flooding your body with the feel-good negative ions from the natural environment, recharges the batteries and switches off stress signals, like nothing else.
But it’s only part of the solution.
You can also eat to beat stress, lower your exposure to major stress toxins (multitasking is one of them) and boost your intake of minerals – so you don’t end up wired, overwhelmed and strangling the air like Ari Gold from Entourage.
I don’t need to tell you – my clued up readers – how important this is.
Cortisol stimulates appetite and leads to weight gain, is linked with depression and anxiety, stops you sleeping, lowers your immunity and is known as ‘the ageing hormone.’ Adrenalin – the fight or flight hormone – can even make cancer resistant to treatment.
So what can you do about it?
On Saturday November 15th, I’m teaming up with medical doctor and mindfulness expert Dr. Barbara Mariposa to lead a workshop:
Stress Solutions: Your Food & Mood Masterclass
In just three hours (we know you don’t have all day) you will:
– Discover foods to protect your brain from stress
– Learn the recipe for the ultimate de-stress smoothie
– Stop shallow breathing and boost your brain-power
– Experience how mindfulness cuts through the stress response
– Discover the best supplements to keep you grounded
There will also be a give-away and books on sale at the event
Spaces are limited and tickets are now available through Eventbrite
I look forward to finally meeting some of you there!
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Laura Bond is a journalist, author and Nutritional Therapist. She specialises in helping clients beat stress, reduce their toxic load and prepare their bodies for babies. To find out more, click here.
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